Rants, Reviews, and Randomness courtesy of Jason's brain.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

All For the Lord

I was catching up with an old friend the other day, and I noticed something in the way she talked that was . . . let's say "odd," for the moment. She has moved to a new area and is involved in a new church (that was the long and short of the catching up, really). I think that her new church is (gulp) . . . changing her.

I knew she was a Christian for a long time, but if I didn't know before I was talking to her, I would certainly have figured it out quickly. That's the "odd" thing about the way she talked, she always brought "the Lord" into the conversation. She talked about how her new pastor's sermons are convicting, but that it's actually good because it challenged her to grow. Don't get it wrong; I'm not saying that she wasn't a good Christian before. What I am saying, however, is that her speech patterns are full of things that I miss hearing on a daily basis: her conversation is "seasoned with salt," she's actually getting to where she's able to "give the reason for the hope [she has]." She says her pastor's sermons are convicting; I say her conversation is!

As I wrap this up, I'm left to wonder which is worse: the fact that neither I nor those around me are talking about Jesus enough for someone to know we're Christians, or the fact that people won't recognize that I referenced two verses of scripture in my description of how she talked (Colossians 4:6 and 1 Peter 3:15, in case you didn't know). Let's talk more about the Lord; it will make us more (gulp) accountable to our own words and we will always be witnesses to those with whom we talk.

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