Rants, Reviews, and Randomness courtesy of Jason's brain.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Great Prop 8 Debate

On the Left we have the argument that if the California courts allow Proposition 8, a dangerous precedent will be set that allows the voting majority to oppress a minority by amending the constitution to bar them from exercising their rights.

On the Right we have the argument that if the California courts deny Proposition 8, a dangerous precedent will be set that allows the courts to dictate to the people what can be written into their constitution which begins "We the People . . . ," leaving residents to wonder what happened to the notion of a government "of the People, by the People, for the People."

As a Christian, I face a different internal dialogue.

On the one hand, I think the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a violation of God's standards for righteousness. As a Christian with a vote, I supported Proposition 8 at the ballot box because I know that one day I will have to explain to my children why some of their friends have to mommies or two daddies. How am I to explain to my child that in this great country that we are to love and support, we sometimes have laws that contradict what God wants us to do? Moreover, how am I to ensure that my children understand that their rights come from God and not the government when the government is inventing new rights that directly contradict the word of God?

On the other hand, I think the Bible is clear that as a Christian, my life is to be different from that of the world at large. As the world rejects God's standards more, Christianity will be more distinct and therefore each believer will be a stronger witness of Christ. What the world does or what the government does should have little effect on me, my family, or the Church as a whole. Christians are to win hearts, minds, and souls, not elections. Should I not allow people so adamant about legitimizing this lifestyle live out their experiment and have the results visible to the whole world for better or worse? How long before we simply shake the dust from our feet and focus on keeping ourselves from being corrupted by the world?

I suppose that in the end, the mentality by which I will live is up to the courts.

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